Oh! Good grief..... things have been crazily busy around here these last couple of weeks.... there are so many new fabric lines coming out and
some of them are to die for I'm really
drooling looking forward to receiving them!
I've spent a great deal of time looking through thousands, hundreds lots of fabric swatches which was difficult, involved too many decisions fun.
There are new 'products' coming out - Design rolls they're called. I'm never going to remember that..... they're just 'Jelly rolls' aren't they? I know that's a Moda trade name but somehow I know I'm going to struggle with remembering .... 'Design rolls'. Better think of a way of storing them.... I wonder how big they are ? But for now I have to be patient and wait.... and wait ...
O.K so what have we got on the waiting list ..... there are fabrics from Tanya Whelan's Dolce fabric range. Currently, just the one....
I can't think how to describe this.... delicate, French calm Perhaps what I'm thinking is that it has a quiet, sophistication to it.... very modern, but 'classy'.
There will be fabrics from Denyse Schmidt's Hope valley... the colours are so her....love the small patterns... be perfect for quits....
There's also fabrics from Heather Bailey's Nicey Jane.... it also comes in 'Jelly roll' Design roll form....
There seems to be some uncertainty about Anna Maria's Little Folks whether Rowan is just stocking the voilles and the flannels or whether at some point they might have the quilting cottons too... fingers crossed for the quilt weight cottons.... I wonder if stamping my feet might help?
Of course ... I'm skirting the issue of 'Love' Amy Butler's new fabric collection.... it's beautiful.... (I wish she hadn't called it that - whatever kinds of Spam is my blog going to attract now? ) The colours and patterns are just amazing... a mix of intense blues and magentas and the softest of greens .... I could wax lyrical but I won't just now!
The launch dates I had in my head for all this loveliness was the beginning of February.... all exicited I was as the DHL man arrived outside .... carried an enormous box uphill to the door.... the anticipation was incredible.
It wasn't.... what I thought it was... so I can only show you this.... one lonely but lovely polka dot style print.
I love Amy's video of a photo shoot on her website..... go there at your peril.... the fabrics .... oooooo! the colour and the pattern all interacting.... Note: Do not show to daughter or risk being locked into your sewing room to make one of those swirly, twirly skirts.... I jest.... but I do believe she'd do it.
Speak soon!
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