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December 03, 2009



Congrats to Vonnie, they should make something really nice.
Sounds like you've had a mad week hope your weekend is a little calmer!


Oh my gosh!! Thank you so much Julia, I never win anything and this will make up for the hideous day I had yesterday!

Craft Matters

Vonnie I am so pleased you won... :) Glad you got your power back Julia - we are affected by power cuts here quite often so I sympathise! I just got a stove top kettle - at least that way I'll get my tea...


your power cut sounds fun (almost) - well done to Vonnie!

Amy Lane

Yay, well done Vonnie! Glad your power's back Julia, couldn't survive without my computer and kettle! :)


Congratulations Vonnie!. Nice early Christmas pressie. Power cuts never seem to happen at the weekend, it is always during the week when you are trying to beat the clock to get to work/school.

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