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November 26, 2009



I'm probably being a bit thick here but how do you dye in a bag? I have done tie-dying with my class before but always just used a bucket. A bag sound much less likely to end in disaster. Thanks



I love blue and orange together....I have a quilt on the go with just those colours. I'm trying to be on a fabric diet so I overdyed some print fabrics I had in my stash where the colours didn't suit my blue and orange aspirations. I love the unpredictability too, you do have to be prepared to go with the flow to make them work in a different way to how you'd planned sometimes, but there you go, some say you make your own serendipity! Thanks for the yarn dyeing tips by the way - not tried that yet although I think my OH will faint if I try any more crafts

I love both of the fabrics but something about the silk one makes me want to see how it looks quilted all over - what are you planning to make with them?

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