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November 24, 2009



Lots of fantastic inspiration! I love that tortoise pincushion.


Thank you for the kind words about my sewing. There are some lovely things in your Flickr group - there are clearly very talented people about!


Thanks for showing off the quilt, All this craftiness is getting my fingers itchy!


What stunning things, lots of inspiration

Alix of Bigbluebed

Thank you for inlcuidng me and my little gifts. It is so nice to see all the other wonderful things people have been making.


Hi, I've joined the group and added a few pics. My flickr name is poppets1.
Maria x

Amy Lane

Wow, there are some beautiful things people have made. Have been busy making some patchwork items with the lovely fabric I won in your giveaway. Will post them on the flickr group soon. Thanks for including the photo of my tunic top. A x

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