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June 10, 2009


Craft Matters

I love this bag and brooch combination - gorgeous. Hope you are enjoying using it.


Love the colours on that bag - and the strips, strips have featured enormously in my designs recently. I would love to have a few flowers and match them with my shoes (if I had enough time as I was dashing out of the door - rarely). I have a secret love of red shoes.
I would think about maybe picking out some of the other colours in the bag - like navy, or that taupe or the soft green to make a flower with even if I didn't have shoes to match. Or on a bold day - bright fresh green or tangerine.
I would consider an experiement with a flower of a different texture (other than quilting cotton I mean) like this organza number I've had my eye on for a while http://www.reesedixon.com/2009/03/organza-flowers.html
or a beaded one or a crocheted one...and by then I would be too exhausted by all of the thinking to actually make anything so I'd relax and just enjoy the red one with my red shoes on!


Lovely bag and lovely interior. I like the flower and you can take it off as the mood takes you.


The flower is just right!!!

You could simply try slackening off the actually plaiting itself. Maybe even make the strips wider to plait looser. I have seen plaited handles but they were stuffed tubes of fabric which gave it some thickness (this is starting to sound rather dodgey- sorry) so the plaits were fuller and kinder to the shoulder.

It has been a long day, so I shall stop.

Dolores Sedore

Ok, well, you asked. I like the bag the way it was without the flower and without the plaited handles. If it were me, I would put the flower on a lapel or on another bag with red or pink or white in it. I guess I just love my blues too much.


What if you cover some thick piping cord with fabric and then plait it?? That will look nice. There is a covering cord tutorial on Marmadaisy here. Really easy peasy. The bag and flower are great. I like the bright contrast of the red against the blue. xx


oops ... forgot the link: http://iliketomakestuff.blogspot.com/2008/06/piped-bag-handle-tutorial.html


I love the bag, i'ts a great shape and style with fab fabrics too. I like the flower but think that if it were mine I wouldn't want it on there all the time, just when the mood takes me.


I think the flower looks lovely with the bag, and I like the handles as they are. I need to make a new 'dashing-out-of-the-door' bag too.


I'm with Maria, I love changing my bag brooches to match my mood- I'd love the flower on the bag for 'zingy' bold days, but then sometimes not... incidentally I've started adding hair clip AND brooch backs to my flowers, sometimes I want them in my hair, sometimes on my clothes..
At the moment I am busy making baby quilts for friends (it must be that time of year), but then I may just have to make myself a cheerful summer bag... or just some more flowers.


I love the bag the flower but then I love anything bright cheerful!


I love the flower with the bag. Sometimes we don't think something matches our 'personality' but we can change that simply by how we present ourselves. You might even start a new rage at your kid's school!

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