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April 24, 2009



Hi and thanks for the award. I've never looked on Twitter, I think it's best if I keep away as there just aren't enough hours in the day for that too!


Thankyou kindly. I don't usually do awards but I rather like that one so I will see . Thankyou very much.


Hi Julia

Thank you very much for the award, much appreciated.

Have a great weekend.

Anne x


Awww, thanks for the award. I am naughty with awards, I tend to forget all about them so please don't be offended if I don't pass it on. It's kind of you to think of me though.

I haven't dared get into Twitter - when I went on Facebook it sucked up so much time that I stopped making anything!


I am on twitter and for some reason I have quite a few followers, but I am ashamed to say that I am not sure what I am supposed to do as they seem to be a huge range of people with lots of different blogs. I thought thatit might increase traffic to my blog etc but it hasn't. i have met up with a couple of people who I first met on my blog but then lost them. The biggest surprise was being fiund by one of my students who left about 10 years ago which then led me onto finding several of my very first tutor group back in the 1990's.

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