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October 30, 2008


Lace hearts

Now, I have never met anybody before who can claim to be named after a grandmother clock! As to mountains, yep, love them. Bridges? Yep, no problems there. Slugs? Yuk too!!!


Thanks for the tag .. i've done it twice .. but i think i might copy JbJB and send out requests for 7 questions!!


I went up Helvellyn the long way as I couldn't bring myself to try Striding Edge. A huge walk but worth iot for the view from the top! And I'm with you on the getting lost thing - my husband used to joke that I did have a sense of direction, but it was just backwards from everyone elses's ...


Many thanks. I am travelling home tomorrow then I will respond to this as my internet will be faster. In the meantime I will get thinking.

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