A random picture - Lots of berrys for the birds!
And I've been tagged - twice, once by Judy of Maccabags and once by Chris of Kiamyka and these are the rules; The Rules:
Link to your tagger and list these rules on your blog.
Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog - some random, some weird.
Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blog.
Let them know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.-
I've walked Hellvelyn and across Striding Edge, complete with its' gravestones remembering those that have perished there. Perilous drops on either side, a stupidly narrrow path with inconsiderate spikes of eroded limstone sticking up. If the wind were to get up, you'd be in a seriously bad place.
So, walking in the mountains is fine. It's bridges that give me the heeby jeebies. Those narrow, high bridges that are like a pole strung across a river - gives me goose bumps just thinking about it.
A misty day in Yorkshire. That might look sturdy enough but you just wait until you get to the middle.... It's got plans...!
I love growing things, especially food because I like eating and an allotment always means a glut doesn't it? So, then there's the opportunity to share the produce of your green fingers with other green-fingered folk.
I'll probably never have an amazing garden though because I'm not ruthless enough to rip out the flowers when they're mostly past their best or getting a little leggy. I like them to fulfill their destiny of dying for themselves as nature intended.
I find people fascinating. Fascinating for themselves. I really enjoy the company of people who are a little bit flexible in their thinking. People who can conceive of other ways of doing things. You see I really like a good old chin wag and setting the world to rights and you can't do that with someone who has already decided what the answer is .... it's just no fun!
I'm named after a grandmother clock that belonged to a great aunt!
I loathe slugs, snails and anything slimy looking. They lurk in the worst possible way under the lid of the compost bin and it's disgusting!
I love ancient places. I like the connection to folk past. There's an old seventeenth century grammar school near to us and it amuses me that some of the graffitti etched into the walls/desks are from the 1650's. Boys - (girls weren't educated in such places then), haven't changed. It's only the layer of technology that makes us different. Basically, as humans we're the same now as all those folk before. I like that link. It's humbling.
I can get lost anywhere! Yes I know that sounds stupid having admitted to loving walking out in the wild places. But, you see I don't go alone, so that's o.k.
When, my son hit five years of age he'd already learned to navigate me to his friends houses and back again. He knew that if I got there o.k. I'd struggle to get back.
It's an affliction ... I need a GPS to make it to the next town.... well almost.
This is always the difficult bit. So, hoping that you've not already been tagged I'm going to tag
- Indigo Blue,
- MarmaladeKiss,
- Sew Love to Sew,
- Incy Wincy Stitches,
- 23BeechHill,
- Cloudhopping, blu-shed
..because I enjoy all your blogs and would like to know a little more about you. What you do now is of course entirely upto you....
Stay warm! I'm off to leave comments on your blogs. Speak soon.
Now, I have never met anybody before who can claim to be named after a grandmother clock! As to mountains, yep, love them. Bridges? Yep, no problems there. Slugs? Yuk too!!!
Posted by: Lace hearts | October 31, 2008 at 12:00 AM
Thanks for the tag .. i've done it twice .. but i think i might copy JbJB and send out requests for 7 questions!!
Posted by: JuliaB | October 30, 2008 at 12:00 AM
I went up Helvellyn the long way as I couldn't bring myself to try Striding Edge. A huge walk but worth iot for the view from the top! And I'm with you on the getting lost thing - my husband used to joke that I did have a sense of direction, but it was just backwards from everyone elses's ...
Posted by: dottycookie | October 30, 2008 at 12:00 AM
Many thanks. I am travelling home tomorrow then I will respond to this as my internet will be faster. In the meantime I will get thinking.
Posted by: Andrea | October 30, 2008 at 12:00 AM