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October 10, 2008



Hi, I'm supposed to be working but I’ve been distracted, again. Your bracelets look fantastic. I made a two-tone one for a friend as a leaving pressie using darker beads on the inside and lighter ones on the outside. It gave a wonderful depth of colour. I’ve also been experimenting with bigger beads sitting on top of the kitted wire. Guess what lots of friends are getting for Christmas his year, if I can stop wanting to keep them all for myself :-)

Lace hearts

Those are stunning - how much patience that must take! I think your photography is heaps better than mine.


Gorgeous bracelets! Crochet with wire and beads has been on my to do list for ages, wonder if I'll ever get round to trying it?!

Thanks for the Crafteroo link - I shall go off to have a look.


Hey there, glad you are enjoying Crafteroo so far. :D


Awww thanks for blogging about us! I love that style of bracelet :D

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