I detest this part of the school year. I know that seems a bit strong but my daughter left primary school today. I can't cope with the whole saying 'goodbye' thing. As a child I'd just walk away and avoid the situation as an adult I've had to learn to deal with it. So, it's been a day full of goodbye's and leavers services in church and tears and having to recognise that those next steps are into that near adult world. A world where you have to start to let go a little more and hope that you've taught them well enough.
No longer can wrap you wrap them up safely away from the world because time is urging them on and life is beckoning them forward. I'll stop now. It's all getting too sad. I suppose it's not just a big change for her but for me and all the other Mum's of year 6 children. No more 'walking bus', chats in the morning, struggling with guitars, cello's, P.E. bags and the latest class project. Now it'll be just waving as you pass each other in car parks waiting for the various bells to ring and release the little darlings.
In church they were each presented with a year photograph and a dictionary plus a DVD of excerpts from their school life. The bit as parents you don't get to see. All those school disco's and trips out, goodness only knows what that'll be like. Will I need a box of tissues to catch tears of sadness or laughter? It could go either way. I think I'll wait 'till she comes back from her friends party so that we can watch it as a family. (umm! Is that a good idea - big brother doesn't need feeding more ammunition)
But joy, it must be the summer holidays. Panic!!!! I wonder how long it will be before one of them decides that there's nothing to do...... Ahh! Remember the allotment - that'll keep us more than a little occupied and then we're away for a while. I'm sure we'll have more than enough to do.
Happy Summer (school) holidays everyone.